The strategy, which can be defined as a comprehensive road map for the specified purpose, is extremely important for brand management and competitive advantage, but the determined strategy must be understood conceptually correctly. The strategy can show flexibility and develop. It cannot be continued for many years with a single strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to show strategic flexibility for the brand method. So what is strategic flexibility?
The answer to the question of how brands can provide strategic flexibility, which can be explained as the completion of proactive and reactive preparations by allocating the necessary resources and time to respond to the changes in the market of a brand, the ability to respond to expectations, can be given under simple bullet points.
Give Your Teams Agility
It is important that a brand looks huge when viewed from the outside, feels small when viewed from the inside
Large organizations are agile and fail to develop fast solutions compared to smaller organizations. Reducing the number of employees in company units is beneficial in problem solving. We can say that this is exactly the reason why Google, which increases its brand value every year, keeps its average team size between 4-7 people – the goal of ensuring agility in business processes. In units consisting of large teams, intellectual diversity is weakening and problems such as thinking in the same way and developing similar solutions are observed. In addition to this banality, hierarchy is increasing and decision-making and implementation processes are slowing down in large teams. Another disadvantage of large units is that the team members lose their sense of responsibility by thinking “I am not the only person responsible for this project, somehow someone else will do it.”
Considering all these disadvantages we have listed, focusing on quality, not quantity, and staying away from large structures by combining small units will be the right step in terms of brand management.
Allocate Resources and Time to Innovate
There is No Place for a Bird in Hand is Better Than Two on a Branch
Institutions that do not invest in what can be done and potentials cannot protect their assets for many years. In order for the company to grow and achieve the goals, it is necessary to get rid of the trap of the comfort zone. When an organized and rooted program is followed, the company can be at a disadvantage for the new generation of employees, different talents and investors.
There are several solutions for your company and your brand to avoid these disadvantages. First, allocating funds for different projects must persuade top managers to allocate some resources from the company’s capital budget for truly innovative projects. Second, the conservative approach to experimental projects and processes needs to be relaxed. Finally, it is important to provide in-house incentives and to reward volunteers in a different project.
Be the ‘Angel’ of Innovation
Strategic Flexibility Risk Requires Being Generous With Capital Investment
In some institutions, an employee’s realization of projects developed for the company or brand image has a very difficult process. Often there is only one authority an employee can turn to to source a new idea; the top tier of the company. When the employee’s project does not match the opinions of the leader of the team or is stuck with prejudices, innovation is never paved. Lack of funds causes many companies to become obsolete and go bankrupt. Managers are losing time by being very abstaining about venture capital. Can you imagine that there is only one venture capital investor in a structure like Silicon Valley? Brands, whose brand value cannot be measured with money, have succeeded because they can find the angel investor within their company and the business ecosystem. Remembering this, your willingness to listen to your employees’ ideas and create the necessary resources will strengthen your company’s brand value and employee loyalty.
Dwt Mandalina / Nurettin YAY / Head of the Agency